Lesson 3 : Obtain Video Recording Ability
The methods that I will be using to record my video lessons for my student teaching experience will consists of my phone and a tripod. I have a my tripod centered in an area where I can get the full frame of the students that signed the Media Release forms along with the view of the front of the classroom. This week I recorded two video lessons with the class. To help me prepare for my lessons, I prepped all of materials in advance, reviewed the instructional videos that I would be using and rehearsed what I would say to the class the day before. This week we talked about diversity as a class and what that means. One of the things that we discussed first is our classroom room that states, "I will be kind to everyone". We talked about what it means to be kind and all of the different ways that we can be kind to everyone. In our class library we have multicultural picture books displayed that students can select to read. Further into the lesson we talked about acceptance and ...